The average house price on BEAUFORT CLOSE is £165,958
The most expensive house in the street is 2 BEAUFORT CLOSE with an estimated value of £190,636
The cheapest house in the street is 1 BEAUFORT CLOSE with an estimated value of £109,155
The house which was most recently sold was 10 BEAUFORT CLOSE, this sold on 2 Sep 2022 for £185,500
The postcode for BEAUFORT CLOSE is TS17 8GY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BEAUFORT CLOSE Terraced £109,155 £80,000 1 Apr 2016
2 BEAUFORT CLOSE Terraced £190,636 £110,000 31 Mar 2011
3 BEAUFORT CLOSE Terraced £181,169 £117,000 12 Jun 2014
4 BEAUFORT CLOSE Terraced £147,998 £110,000 17 Jun 2016
10 BEAUFORT CLOSE Detached £185,376 £185,500 2 Sep 2022
20 BEAUFORT CLOSE Detached £181,416 £126,000 24 Aug 2015